It means to not do anything stupid and stay safe. It is definitely not an acronym for kys.

Urban Dictionary: keep yourself safe It means to not do anything stupid and stay safe. It is definitely not an acronym for kys. Top 10 Ways to Stay Hydrated - WebMD There's no doubt about it. Water is the best way to rehydrate your body. "There's been a real water revolution in this country," says WebMD Weight Loss Clinic Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, LD. "Water

Keep to oneself Synonyms, Keep to oneself Antonyms

KEEP THIS TO YOURSELF | Kirkus Reviews May 07, 2019 Keep This To Yourself - Button Poetry Description. In Keep This To Yourself, grief is a violent machine, with each new poem Kerrin McCadden unscrews every bolt of this grief until it falls apart.. McCadden cuts through the many layers of loss as she writes about how it moves through her family like a …

Urban Dictionary: keep yourself safe

Can you avoid coronavirus when going out in public? These