How to use internet connection sharing on Windows 10

While it is easy to use your iPhone’s internet on your PC through USB, the reverse-tethering is not. You will need to be patient, as what you will be doing is essentially tricking your iPhone and PC into sharing the PC internet with your phone over a USB connection. How to disable Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) in Click Windows Start > Control Panel. Choose Administrative Tools. Click Services. Scroll down the services window and look for Internet Connection Sharing. Right click on the Internet Connection Sharing item, select Properties. Under General tab, change the "Startup type" to Disabled and select OK. Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) never starts - Windows Nov 24, 2017 Configure Internet Connection Sharing with PowerShell Oct 19, 2017

Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) makes it possible for home and small office users to share a single connection to the Internet. The Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) protects connections on which it is running from unsolicited network traffic.

Mar 25, 2015

Enable Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) in Windows 10

Internet Connection Sharing in Windows 10 - Microsoft Nov 14, 2017 Use Wireless Hosted Network, Internet Connection Sharing Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) is a feature in Windows provided through the SharedAccess Service. Strictly speaking, SharedAccess enables network sharing through a computer where the shared network access does not necessarily provide access to the Internet.