Hi everyone. First time poster, long time lurker. I am out of ideas on how to get port direction working with IPFW. Other than port redirection, the system works well and has been my workhorse for several years. My end goal is to expose an NGINX reverse proxy I have running in a jail on

Show activity on this post. As Inigo Flores already pointed out, this is default apache behavior. By typing second-site.com in your browser, it will always connect to port 80. If you want to access a different port, you need to specify it in the url like second-site.com:8080. Apr 03, 2020 · I have already a domain which is linked to Cloudflare. I created a program, which I already uploaded to my server with the port 8080 and its HTTP (not HTTPS). How do I link it as a subdomain to Cloudflare? I tryed adding new record with type A and the IPv4 (without the port :8080) of my subdomain and it proxied but didn’t work, it’s not linking it, then I tryed to add the port to that but By providing a single uri with optional port to use for all URLs. For example, --proxy-server="proxy2:8080" will use the proxy at "proxy2:8080" for all traffic. By using the special "direct://" value. For example, --proxy-server="direct://" will make all connections not use a proxy. Ask your network admin (or whoever runs the firewall) to see if the port is open. Alternatively you can (from your dev machine) do a "telnet server 8080", which will attempt to have a telnet session connect to the server on port 8080. If you can't get through that way, then chances are something is blocking it, most likely the firewall.

Hi everyone. First time poster, long time lurker. I am out of ideas on how to get port direction working with IPFW. Other than port redirection, the system works well and has been my workhorse for several years. My end goal is to expose an NGINX reverse proxy I have running in a jail on

Feb 11, 2017 · I am running a web portal in my home computer which is on port 8080 in the lan. Decided to enable the portal for external access and configured port forwarding on my cisco linksys router. But cant get the portal running on x.x.x.x:8080 externally. Tried this on different port x.x.x.x.8085 and it is working. Not sure why 8080 is working. Jan 20, 2016 · No 8080 listener. The OP asked a similar question. From what I can tell by looking through the forum, missing the Listener Endpoint for Port 8080 is why I am not working. Why is it not there and how do I fix it? Please follow the steps of the correct answer in the above thread Regards. Mahmoud Mar 23, 2015 · "Port 8080 is already in use by another program" or sometimes "Server taking too long to startStart-up failed." I ran this command, but it returned nothing: netstat -nao | find "8443" I read on a Ubiquiti thread that Java.exe may be using 8080, but I can't kill the Java.exe process without it starting itself back I have successfully installed varnish cache on Cpanel + Centos 6.5 + Apache. While I changed the Apache port from 80 to 8080, my website stop functioning. However, While I switch back to default Port 80 then Website start responding. Varnish cache is installed and listing to port 80. I did below mention steps to install varnish.

Unfortunately, I was simplifing the issue-- it seems to do it no matter what port I try to forward. I've even tried to open port 8080, 22, etc., and redirect it to port 3389 on the inside, but every scanner in the world still shows the ports as being closed.

Also, please note that in case you are testing open port for your local IP address i.e. if your Ip is similar to 192.168.1.xxx you are trying to check open port on internal IP and it is not going to work. If you are not sure about IP address and Port you shoud read more about [ Port Forwarding on Wikipedia] Inspect the value of the port attribute. Be sure to enter the correct port number when invoking the server. Note - The server's default port number is 8080, however, there are a number of ways in which the expected value can change: A different port number was specified during installation. Nov 01, 2018 · hostname:8080 does not work ipadress:8080 works fine hostname:9001 works fine after a reboot everything is ok. Don't try and be fancy. Kubernetes offers a ton of great features, but they shouldn't take priority over a stable, working product. I messed around with daemon sets, a full cluster of only preemptible nodes (there will be a future post about that), and even at one point, a single-node cluster.