14 Best Lightweight and Fastest Linux Distros for laptops

wine dedicated linux distro free download - SourceForge linux distro which offers out of box support for multimedia internet & office includes wps office, skype, wine, firefox & other software for your daily use. built on the stability of open suse 12.3 just download and install works as a live cd as well. Default password for root is linux and default user tux has been created with password linux. GNU/Linux Distros - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation Dec 15, 2018

This place is dedicated to finding exactly which GNU/Linux distribution, also known as a distro, is right for you. Whether you have an older system with 256 MB of RAM, or a top of the line battle station, this subreddit is the best spot to get sound advice from the GNU/Linux community.

@SIDDHARTH // Dear seeker, accordingly to your music studio project,and even if this following distro is not a “lightweight version”, I’d therefore, advice you to try out: KXstudio which includes an amazing set of apps mainly for music and sounds, as well for videos, graphics, anyway all about multimedia production, but one more time, Musics and Sounds engines are the way is it!

Jan 27, 2017

Oct 06, 2017 · Thansk Rickkkk, your post was very helpful. I didn't know that the Linux distro wouldn't likely affect the browsing performance. I have another machine that has an i3 processor and 4gb ram running lubuntu, and it's much faster than the i7 8gb ram running Windows 10 when it comes to browsing. Nov 25, 2017 · CentOS Linux 7 latest has Linux 3.10, GNOME Shell 3.22, and uses an XFS file-system. Clear Linux 19260 - Intel's performance-optimized Linux distribution presently ships with the Linux 4.13 kernel, GNOME Shell 3.26.2, and EXT4. Debian 9.2.1 - The latest stable release of Stretch is using the Linux 4.9 kernel and GNOME Shell 3.22.3 atop EXT4. The exfat-fuse modules has been removed since support for exFAT is now available in the kernel. "The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2020/Jun/30). Linux kernel was updated to 5.7.6-1. ocs-iso, ocs-live-dev: sync syslinux-related files when copying syslinux exec files. Jan 07, 2017 · Best linux distro for daily use in 2017 Published by Petronald Green on January 7, 2017. A new year has begun. Time to format my disks. New windows install and more Jan 21, 2018 · Long-time Slashdot reader gr8gatzby writes: I have an old beautiful mint condition white Macbook 7,1 with a 2.4Ghz Core 2 Duo and 5GB RAM. Apple cut off the upgrade path of this model at 10.6.8, while a modern-day version of any browser requires at least 10.9 these days, and as a result my browsing Jan 04, 2017 · Here are 6 Linux distributions we’re excited to see go further in 2017. Antergos. We love Arch Linux, but we absolutely appreciate that it’s not the ideal Linux distro for most users! See, some Linux distros are like a new-build house that’s ready to move in to. Others are like a doer-upper, requiring a little bit of work here and there.