Name Server: A name server translates domain names into IP addresses . This makes it possible for a user to access a website by typing in the domain name instead of the website's actual IP address. For example, when you type in "," the request gets sent to Microsoft's name server which returns the IP address of the Microsoft

Server name and address could not be resolved. Err Router Configuration: Some routers for sharing internet connections are not correctly configured for high speed internet access. Updating the router firmware or setting the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) to the appropriate setting for your ISP may correct problems with … Find Server name from IP Address - TechRepublic Create a new discussion. If you're asking for technical help, please be sure to include all your system info, including operating system, model number, and any other specifics related to the problem.

Oct 31, 2016 · The server name is for the actual server that hosts your website files and is good to know at times. For example when you are trying to identify if we are performing maintenance on your server. Locate Server Name in cPanel. Log into your cPanel. Click the Server Information link in the General Information section. You will then see your Server

Dec 23, 2012 Name Servers - How Web Servers Work | HowStuffWorks

What is a Mail Server? - What Is My IP Address

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