Protect your privacy. See who's tracking your web browsing with Ghostery. Ghostery Ghostery(Chrome Web Store)

Anpassen des Displays Ghostery bietet mehrere Displays und Einblick-Dashboards, damit Sie die Informationen sehen können, die für Sie relevant sind. Probieren Sie Ghostery Rewards aus Ghostery Rewards ist ein optionales Feature, das Ihnen hochwertige Angebote zeigt, während Sie im Internet surfen und Einkäufe tätigen. Ghostery est une puissante extension de protection de la vie privée. Bloquez les publicités, déjouez les outils de pistage et… When I leave Chrome running for a couple of days i notice that my RAM starts to fill up, and the system starts to swap. Chrome uses the most memory, and inside of Chrome it is the Ghostery extension. I then have to disable and enable it again. Moments ago Ghostery was using over 2 GB of RAM. It seems like Ghostery has a memory leak. Blokkeer ads Ghostery's ingebouwde ad blocker verwijdert reclame van een webpagina en ruimt deze op zodat u zich kunt concentreren op de door u gekozen inhoud. Bescherm uw privacy Ghostery laat u trackers van websites die u bezoekt bekijken en blokkeren om te controle te hebben over wie uw data verzamelt.

Ghostery es una potente extensión para tu privacidad. Bloquea anuncios, detiene rastreadores y acelera sitios web.

Update, June 12: Adds more details on the planned changes to Chrome extensions. Update, June 13: Adds more background and reactions from Ghostery, Microsoft and others. Comments The app is available for both iOS and macOS — costing $1.99 from either Apple App Store — and it promises to work with Safari as well as apps that use Safari for displaying web pages. Because Vivaldi is built using the Chromium web browser project, extensions available in the Chrome Web Store can also be installed in Vivaldi. In some instances, extensions built for the Chrome browser will behave differently when installed in Vivaldi, but for the most part your favourite Chrome extensions will work just fine in Vivaldi. Protect your privacy. See who's tracking your web browsing with Ghostery. Ghostery Ghostery(Chrome Web Store)

Ghostery es una potente extensión para tu privacidad. Bloquea anuncios, detiene rastreadores y acelera sitios web.

Blokkeer ads Ghostery's ingebouwde ad blocker verwijdert reclame van een webpagina en ruimt deze op zodat u zich kunt concentreren op de door u gekozen inhoud. Bescherm uw privacy Ghostery laat u trackers van websites die u bezoekt bekijken en blokkeren om te controle te hebben over wie uw data verzamelt. Ghostery es una potente extensión para tu privacidad. Bloquea anuncios, detiene rastreadores y acelera sitios web. Ghostery is a powerful privacy extension. Block ads, stop trackers and speed up websites. Block ads Ghostery's built-in ad blocker removes advertisements from a webpage to eliminate clutter so you can focus on the content you want.