I was at Cisco Live last week and specifically asked one of the product engineers about it, it has something to do with the way the database stays open. His recommendation regarding using Veeam to help support a disaster recovery plan was to shut all the components down on a weekend and hit them with a Veeam job and then continue to run DRS.

May 01, 2019 Cisco Unified Communications VMs Support - forums.veeam.com I was at Cisco Live last week and specifically asked one of the product engineers about it, it has something to do with the way the database stays open. His recommendation regarding using Veeam to help support a disaster recovery plan was to shut all the components down on a weekend and hit them with a Veeam job and then continue to run DRS. Virtual Internet Routing Lab - Cisco Learning Network Store The VIRL support community is a place where users collaborate with others to provide assistance, feedback, and share ideas. This support community is a forum where you will find active user participation as well as VIRL engineers who provide troubleshooting assistance, documentation, and answers to questions.

I was at Cisco Live last week and specifically asked one of the product engineers about it, it has something to do with the way the database stays open. His recommendation regarding using Veeam to help support a disaster recovery plan was to shut all the components down on a weekend and hit them with a Veeam job and then continue to run DRS.

Psst.. You may want to patch this under-attack data Jul 25, 2020

I use a Cisco softphone which connects back to my employer. A softphone is simply a software application I run on my PC which is connected to my employer via a VPN. Then I use a regular PC headset and I can dial anywhere in the world, including phone numbers that are otherwise associated with traditional POTS service such as those from a local

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